Course Review: Udacity Data Structures and algorithms

10 min readDec 14, 2021

Udacity’s course, Data Structures and Algorithms, is intended for those individuals who are intending to go on interviews in the field of data science. While I don’t think I am going to be on any interviews, namely because of my age and health, I decided it would be a good idea to take the course nevertheless to see if the content will help me in the projects I am currently involved in.

Below is a review of the course and my thoughts about the content:-

Lesson 1: Introduction and Efficiency

The purpose of data structures and algorithms is to invent efficient solutions to unsolved problems using algorithms and data structures.

An algorithm is a program that solves a problem. It is a series of steps to solve a problem. It is a high level description of a trick for solving a problem.

Data types:-

  1. String = “ “
  2. List = [ ]
  3. Tuple = ( )
  4. Dictionary = {}
  5. Boolean = True or False
  6. Number = 1 or 1.0
  7. Variable with zero data = None

Types of loops

  1. For
  2. While




I have five decades experience in the world of work, being in fast food, the military, business, non-profits, and the healthcare sector.